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March 2015

Senior High Kayakers

A new 4 week club for Senior High Kayakers- Advanced Kayak Skills.  Instructions by Chris Akhurst, long time Kayaker and Canoe polo player- students will work on advanced Kayak techniques such as water rescues, T-rescues and Eskimo rolls!  Students look forward to putting these skills to use in White Water this Spring!  

Early Years Ski Trip

We had our first ever ski trip with Early Years and it was GREAT!!!! We were super brave and had loads of fun.

Lower School Ski Trip

As part of our sports program, the PE team has organized a special Lower School ski trip, coming up on Wednesday 11th We will be travelling to Moninec, Sportrelax centre which is situated on Javorova skala, 70km from Prague. During the day we will be taking part in exciting games, building snowmen and having an afternoon […]

Winter Camping

Last week 25 Junior High and Senior High students set out on one of the most challenging trips of the year- the Winter Camp!  Students worked hard to prepare their snow shelters (Quincys) which they would later spend the night in.  They enjoyed cross country skiing and of course the main event- Dog Sledding!  All […]

Senior High Theatre Performance

CONNECTED? An immutable evening of dramatic and musical performances   Come out and support our talented Senior High students as they preform on stage at Malostranska Beseda – 17 March 2015.  Tickets can be purchased at any of the school offices for just 50 CZK. Doors open at 6.15pm. 

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Riverside graduates have been accepted to some of the most prestigious universities around the world.

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