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Student Council

Riverside Primary Student Council

Student Council members have the responsibility of hearing the voices of their respective classes and bringing these matters to the Student Council. Meetings take place at least once every four weeks. This allows children to participate in student leadership activities and discuss student-related matters.


 Primary School Eco Council

The Primary Eco-Council meets weekly to assess school practices and student behaviour and take action that will help make our school a more earth-friendly place.  The Eco-Council also runs assemblies and educates the students on ways to take care of our own environment and develop global responsibility.  The Eco-Council leads the Primary School as a member of the International Eco-School Programme.



Riverside Primary House Captains

Our Primary House Captains represent our 4 houses of Havel, Hus, Karel and Komensky. All the students, staff and parents in all our schools are members of one of the houses. Students compete for their house in inter-house sports and a variety of activities throughout the year.











Universities Attended

Riverside graduates have been accepted to some of the most prestigious universities around the world.

School Accreditations

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