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The Parent Teacher Associations are central to the life of Riverside School.

Parents in Early Years, Primary, Junior High and the High School readily volunteer their services and through the PTA Committees provide an excellent programme of activities throughout the year.

These activities include annual events such as The Welcome Picnic, Firework Night, Santa Comes To Riverside, Burns Night, the Easter Egg Hunt and the Summer Fayre.

There are numerous Bake Sales, Special Student Lunches and Cultural Days.

In the Early Years and Primary School each class has at least one parent representative who arranges social occasions and coffee mornings for the class parents and ensures that the class events and school trips are well supported.

Fund-raising proceeds are used to purchase items and fund events for the benefit of the children, parents and school staff and to support local charitable organisations.

Parent Teacher Events



Parent Teacher Events

Universities Attended

Riverside graduates have been accepted to some of the most prestigious universities around the world.

School Accreditations

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