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Riverside Arts Week

May 25 - May 28 Posted on April 23, 2015


raw poster

Monday 25th May

Tuesday 26th May

Wednesday 27th May

Thursday 28th May

18:15 for 19:00 start

Opening Night of RAW

Cocktail reception

Performance Art, Dance, Drama,    Poetry and Music Spectacular!

Official Opening of Riverside Arts Week and launch of Whole School Art Exhibition


PTA breakfast



10:00 – 11.30

Year 5 and Year 6 students view exhibition and take part in interactive ARC Activities (Arts by the Riverside Community)


Recording Session

Combined School Choir and Orchestra


10:30 – 11.30

Early Years students view exhibition and take part in interactive ARC Activities (Arts by the Riverside Community)


PTA breakfast



10:00 – 11.30

Junior High students view exhibition and take part in interactive ARC Activities (Arts by the Riverside Community)


Lunch Hour Concert – Upper School students(Year 3-6)

Upper School instrumental soloists

Primary Choir

Year 5 and Year 6 Ensembles  (Strings, Woodwind, Brass)


Year 3 and  Year 4 students view exhibition and take part in interactive ARC Activities


Lunch Hour Concert – Early Years and Lower School students

Early Years and Lower School        instrumental soloists

Early Years and Lower School group performances


Year 1 and Year 2 students view exhibition and take part in interactive ARC Activities


Lunch Hour Concert – Junior High and Senior High students

JH and SH soloists

JH and SH Choirs

JH and SH Bands and Ensembles (Strings, Woodwind, Brass, Rock etc)



Senior High students view exhibition and take part in interactive ARC Activities



Drama night

Performances by selected Riverside Drama students

An Improvisation Workshop with Blood, Love and Rhetoric Theatre; a must for all aspiring actors, drama devotees and theatre buffs

Cash bar, snacks provided


Arts for Life Unplugged

An evening of acoustic performances by  Riverside  parents, teachers and friends of the Riverside community

Cash bar, snacks provided

If you’d like to perform, contact belindabritton@riversideschool.cz


Whole School Music Concert

Performances by Combined Choir, Orchestra and Band

Selected bands, ensembles and      soloists from  Early Years through to Senior High

Refreshments provided

RAW Schedule in PDF

RAW Poster in PDF

Universities Attended

Riverside graduates have been accepted to some of the most prestigious universities around the world.

School Accreditations

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