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Rhea Young

Emotional Wellbeing Counsellor

Rhea is the Primary School Emotional Well-Being Counsellor. She is from the UK and qualified originally in Mental Health Nursing (2006) and then as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (2012) for Children and Young People. In the UK Rhea worked in several different areas of mental health, including Eating Disorders, the field of Early Intervention in Psychosis and a children’s specialist emotional health service (CAMHS) for the National Health Service. Rhea is now based in the UK and was until recently working in Prague with both the international and local community. She has additional training in Psychodynamic and Systemic therapeutic approaches. Rhea connects with children through talking, playing and drawing. She also raises awareness about issues surrounding Emotional Health.

Universities Attended

Riverside graduates have been accepted to some of the most prestigious universities around the world.

School Accreditations

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