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Sophie Gross

Year 1

I grew up in Dorset, England and enjoyed the countryside growing up. When it was time to choose a university to study teaching, I wanted a city life so moved to London where I started my teacher training. I worked there as a teacher for 10 years and met my husband Allen (the new Year 3 teacher) and had a daughter who has now joined Year 1 also. Four years ago, myself and my family moved to Bangkok, Thailand where we enjoyed teaching, the bustle of the city, the beach and added another member to our family. Over the past 14 years, I have taught in Years 1 – 4 and have been Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage Coordinator.

This summer, we moved to Prague to join Riverside and are very much looking forward to a new adventure and joining the Riverside Community.  

Universities Attended

Riverside graduates have been accepted to some of the most prestigious universities around the world.

School Accreditations

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